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Nobel Prize Winner

When was the first Nobel Price awarded ?------------------------------------In Year 1901

Nobel price is awarded by Country ?------------------------------------Sweenen

Nobel Price is given in memory of _______.------------------------------------Alfred Nobel

Nobel Price was not distributed during the era -------------------------------------First and Second World War

Which country gains most of the Nobel Prices in the field of Economics ?------------------------------------USA

____________ is the highest civilian award of India.------------------------------------Bharat Ratna

Bharat Ratna Award was instituted in the year ------------------------------------1954

The recommendations for Bharat Ratna are made by the ________ to the _________.------------------------------------Prime Minister, President

The number of annual awards is restricted to a maximum of _______ in a particular year.------------------------------------3

Between 1901 and 2011, how many men have been awarded by Nobel Prize ?------------------------------------509

Who is the oldest Nobel Laureate till today ?------------------------------------Leonid Hurwicz

The Nobel Prizes are annual international awards bestowed by------------------------------------Scandinavian committees

How many people can share a Nobel Prize ?------------------------------------Not more than 3

Who is awarded by the Economic Sciences Nobel Prize for 2011 ?------------------------------------Thomas J. Sargent

Which Country gains maximum number of Nobel Prices in the field of Literature ?------------------------------------France

Maximum number of Literature awards goes to __________ language ?------------------------------------English

Name the persons who rejected Nobel prices. ------------------------------------Le Duc Tho and Jean Paul Sartre

First Nobel price winner of India ?------------------------------------Rabindranath Tagore

Who was first Nobel price winner for peace in India ?------------------------------------Mother Teressa

Which of the following Indian Nobel Price winner is associated with Economics.------------------------------------Amartya Sen

Rabindranath Tagore was awarded by Nobel Price for Literature in Year ?------------------------------------1913

Which of the following years , in which Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for Nobel Price ?-----------------------------------1937, 1938, 1939

Which of the following Indian won Nobel price in the field of Medical ?------------------------------------Dr. Har Gobind Khorana

Mother Theresa Won Nobel price in year _______.------------------------------------1979

Mother Teresa was from ________ origin.------------------------------------Albanian

Who was first Asian to won Nobel Price ?------------------------------------ Rabindranath Tagore

Who was first Nobel price winner in the field of Physics ?------------------------------------Wilhelm Rontgen

First Nobel Price in the field of Physics was won by following Country ?------------------------------------ Germany

Albert Einstein won Nobel Price in year _____.------------------------------------ 1921

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